Sunday, 23 May 2010

[justamarshmallowgurl]Add oil to the egg

If you are reading this you would know this is a special entry posted up to give u full MORAL SUPPORT in your remaining exam papers. =) Good Luck

We all dislike exams, but without exams, there won't be a chance for all of us to ever know what's the feeling of study hard, playing hard. If without exam, we would not fully utilize the library. Without exam, we all would not know how many times in life you will smile genuinely for little things and events. Many people often tell us to cherish everything we encounter. On the surface exams seems to be so evil where it rip off our happiness and precious time. Think about it. Often during exams is when you know who really lend their hand to you in hard times, exam gives you the greatest satisfaction upon your years of hard work in proving your self to you, your family and friends.

Most importantly, with exam, that is time where we got one extra excuse, well, a good type of excuse to pamper our self with outings and shopping when its over. That is when we fully enjoy the process of shopping, pampering, sunshine outings and laughing our heart out- because we earn all of these process with hard work, and we do not take them for granted.

Common, put a smile on the face. After all, this is our last final exam within the near future. RITE? You can do it. Trust your self.

