Sunday, 29 March 2009


在英国前三个月, 非常开心。。因为大家都不了解对方。。
真正的朋友,就会慢慢的包容你。。这样的朋友。。就会变成好朋友。。。但是人都会有一些底线。。一些人,她们所做的事很难理解。。慢慢的, 就会变成A和B 心里的一根刺。


又在回到英国的时候。。又在完全搭不上话题。。真的是完完全全听不懂。。也不会有人会解释那到底是什么一回事。。感觉很瞎。。很蠢。。然后。。慢慢的。。我完全没有想要和一群人在一起的感觉。。因为。。会觉得。。有意思吗。。最难顶的是,不知是我多心了,我的问题, 还是本来就这样。。总会觉得,当我和一些人比较多话,比较投机的时候,一定会有人不开心。。好像怕他的好朋友会被抢走似的。。事后还要讲一些莫明其妙,话里还有话的东西。。 让我觉得。。和人相处也要担心这样多。。我宁愿谁都不讲。。呆在家里算了。就这样。。我被人说我自闭,EMO, 我都懒得理。。毕竟。。我出去也要顾忌, 没意思。。反正我知道我的好朋友是谁,谁了解我,谁不了解我就行了。。现在。。每次要出去时。。都必须是我超开心的一天。。因为至少那天我有力气去装傻。。扮白痴。。放心。。我没那么缺德,去霸人家的好朋友,少给我来那套。。

英国日子PART TWO ---> 大便般的生活。 就当是我 - 李珮琪的个人问题,不必争论。因为这篇POST只是让我发泄而已。。毕竟这是我的地盘,谁要对号入座,谁要开始编别的故事。。慢慢来。。我没时间鸟.


Saturday, 28 March 2009

A Lame Lame story copied from my bro's blog -_=ll (a real sweat one)



Friday, 27 March 2009

Blog in Coma

Yes yes, the blog has long been leave aside=.= this is due to the post dissertation syndrome. After writing so many words and you just don't feel like writing any. XD

Anyway, after handling in that dissertation, I've been sleeping and eating and laughing and enjoying. Then, after this, I'm gonna start on the next assign due =.= sighh..

Anyway.. besides sleeping eating laughing enjoying, I have addicted to something more horrible. Online SHOPPING=.= despite the fact that I've been staying at home so that I can "save" money, but the cruel fact is that I've been haunt by some 3rd party call, e-bay=.=

I've been buying loooooooadssss of stuff=.= from small stuff like mp3 till big things like wallet and then it goes to weird stuff like personal security alarms and army use glow ring=.-

oh yea.. I got my self an i pod shuffle generation 3. ^^ and received a parcel from a nanny. Love the feeling of receiving letters of parcels. But not bills -.=ll

Anyway, there will soon, be more parcels coming to my house =.- bet my housemates will get a shock. ngiak ngiakssss

Everyone in Msia, take care and miss you guys loads. ^^ Everyone in UK, experiment shows that staying at home being an anti-social person is very good. Can avoid many unnecessary event. XD


Thursday, 12 March 2009

T.T these assignments are driving me crazy...=.= ll [britney's you drive me crazy is running me my head -_-ll]

I wanna enjoy the lazy cosy days T.T can I? rhetoric -nya... ==

helpless=.= fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.......

Sunday, 8 March 2009

New Start

Hopefully my days will be like my new template.

Wish that I will have my own style.


Sent a postcard to my self again. Telling my self not to be sad anymore.

I am really tired of compromising.

Must learn how to see things that I wanted to see, and filter off things I saw that I don't wish to see.

Life will then be better off.

Life goes on. Cheers to my self.


Thursday, 5 March 2009

The Chicken Rice Shop~~~ prorrrpp proopp prorrrp prroop~~~

Got the idea from sk these few days.. ngiahjahaha.. cuz her pm is like.. who want nasi lemak this saturday??? (13 pack) <-- and the number keeps increasing.

Is a guy selling nasi lemak with 2 pounds here. I guess he's been earning a lot=.=

Besides, motivation from this cute guy in facebook =.-""

Kumaravel M Ganesan at 7:07am March 5

Think that you are going to be a CEO of a large corporation in future...


Chicken rice shop CEO can? =__________O""""

sweatt!! Hopefully this works.. >< amithaba...


Sunday, 1 March 2009


2nd night in library..

Is a very boring night today... no body here..

How many sleepless night do I need to face this month...

Huhhh... hate being alone. At times.............

Library.. my new friend....
